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Achieving Quality Output From Your Asphalt Batch Mix Plant

FABHIND brings this blog series with the purpose of sharing its long-standing expertise by providing guidance for its readers on the salient objectives that should be kept in mind while operating a typical Asphalt Batch Mix plant. In this two-part series we will be discussing eight major objectives that should be kept in mind while operating a typical Asphalt Batch Mix Plant.

Previously in Part 1 - Asphalt Batch Mix Plant

This blog is continuation of Part 1 of the blog series brought to our readers by FABHIND with the purpose of sharing its expert guidance to the readers on salient objectives that should be kept in mind while operating a typical Asphalt Batch Mix plant.

In the previous part, we discussed four major aspects on the aforementioned subject. Here we discuss the next four critical aspects, keeping which in mind will not only ensure smooth functioning of your batch mix plant but also the quality of the output from it.

Ensuring Quality with your Asphalt Batch Mix Plant

v. Screening and gradation of heated aggregates

Heated aggregates enter the screening section from the drying drums. It is important that the size of your sieves / screens is appropriate for the amount equal to maximum feed that will be delivered here. Therefore the check here involves verifying the capacity of the screens vis-à-vis the capacity of the dryer and the capacity of the plug mill. Doing this ensures avoiding too much material being fed on it, and also significantly reduces the chances of damaging them. Also, ensuring this helps avoid an eventually inconsistent mix at the output.

vi. Hot bins

In this section of your asphalt batch mix plant, the heated and screened aggregates are stored according to their sizes separately by partitions. It has to be ensured that each compartment in the bins is large enough so that it does not run out of material when the mixer is running at its full capacity. Also, the partition in these bins should be tight and free from holes to prevent undesired mixing of aggregates at this stage.

You would also want to prevent the hot-bins from over-filling as that can override the screens above them and damage them. For this, hot-bins are equipped with over-flow pipe that vent as and when there is over-filling. Bin shortages or excess are also controlled by adjusting the cold-feed.

vii. Maintaining asphalt temperature

It is very important that asphalt is heated to be fluid enough for it to stick around and coat the aggregates. For this, all storage tanks, transfer lines, and pumps should have heating coils to maintain the asphalt at the required temperature; also the heating oil being circulated in the plant through them should be checked regularly for maintaining adequate level in its reservoir. The temperature of the asphalt is checked by pyrometer placed near the discharge value at the mixing unit.

viii. Controlling emissions from your batch mix plant

Asphalt Batch Mix plants these days are manufactured to ensure that it restricts the pollutants being emitted from its operations; however some pollutants and particles may escape into the environment. To source to controlling this is the combustion unit. Some of the primary reasons your batch mix plant operation might be polluting the environment would be:

  • Dirty and clogged burners
  • Improper fuel-air mixture
  • Undesirable combustion products

Aggregate dust is another possible source of pollution from your batch mix plant; mainly from the rotary dryer. Dust collectors installed at this location restrict them from blowing out. While these dust collectors are cleaned by washing them with water; however, even this waste water needs to be handled properly to prevent it from becoming another source of pollution.

Tick-mark your QC check with FABHIND

FABHIND has been renowned for consistently maintaining the high standards and quality ever since it came into business in this sector, which is why today it is the premier provider of plant machinery in India with international repute. Our products help you accomplish work on time, increase profitability and above all help you build your brand image. So, your search for the best quality Asphalt Batch Mix plants ends right at FABHIND.

We ensure that all its plants including each of the automaton / components are calibrated and QC checked before delivering them to the customers. However, we highly recommend you to calibrate your batch mix plant after setting it up on the site according to the locational factors to ensure a reliable output and plant performance.

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